Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Downtown Sacramento Urgent Care Physicians: Saving Lives with Vaccines

A recent study bolsters the case for vaccination among children and even adults. Researchers from the MIT and the Boston Children's Hospital used historical data on vaccination rates to identify what may have sparked the recent measles outbreak from a single person in Disneyland to 142 people across the U.S. and even some from Mexico and Canada. The researchers explained that a 96% to 99% vaccination rate is necessary to prevent an outbreak of the measles virus. A child or adult with the disease can spread the infection to 11 to 18 other people. With the help of an elaborate mathematical analysis and case reports relevant to the outbreak, the research team discovered that only about 50% to 86% of the individuals exposed to the infection were vaccinated properly against it. The authors concluded that several parents’ refusal to vaccinate their kids may have fuelled this and subsequent outbreaks.