Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Downtown Sacramento Urgent Care Center Warns About Food Allergies

A sit-down dinner is nice every now and then, but sometimes you just want some good, down-home food to go. In such cases, it’s hard to beat the excellent fare offered by food trucks around the city.

Even better, the city of Sacramento will be holding Food Truck Mania on June 10, an event that gathers the city’s finest food truck vendors to give residents a variety of delicious options. But before the big event arrives, U.S. HealthWorks, a medical group that operates a downtown Sacramento urgent care center, cautions people with food allergies.

Facts About Food Allergies

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 4% of adults in the country have some sort of food allergy. Despite the seemingly small proportion of people dealing with this problem, food allergies send a person to an emergency room every three minutes.